Sunday, June 3, 2012


One week ago today I packed up my belongings, hopped on a bus, and left Ventura forever.  I started to tear up as we drove along the coast and out of the home I've known for the last four years.  Then we drove about 20 minutes into the ghetto of Oxnard...then turned around and went back through Ventura...and by that time I was just annoyed and ready to move on with things.

The day before I left was a special one.  My friends came from up and down California to say goodbye to me and James...Friends from college as well as new friends we've made while living in Ventura.  We felt the love.  We spent the afternoon at the park and even though it was windy and freezing, we all caught up, laughed, and just enjoyed being together.  I tried hard to soak in my friends because I don't know how long it will be before I see each of them again.

We wrapped up the day with dinner downtown and as the evening wound down I found myself pulled in different directions.  One part of me felt the day slipping away too quickly and I resisted.  The other part of me wanted the evening to be over with because the quicker I said goodbye and the shorter the hugs were, the more likely I would be to get through it without bursting into tears. 

I hate moving away. I'm excited for change.  I just don't know what to do with myself. 

I miss you friends!!  Come visit us in New York!!

1 comment:

  1. I cried when we left...I'm a big pans. Love you and looking forward to reading all about your new adventures!!!!!!!
