Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Roadtrip: Day 2

We spent today at the Grand Canyon.  Neither of us had been there since we were kids, so it was fun to see it all with fresh eyes.  The weather was perfect, we felt well rested, and we took our time.  Aside from a few struggler tourists who couldn't comprehend such things as moving to the back of the bus to make room for other people, the need for personal space, and the idea that when a line forms it is considered rude to push your way to the front, it was a good day :)


Now to spend the evening out in Flagstaff!


  1. Go to the brewery and get the pizza!! (and beer, obv.)

    1. Beaver Street Brewery?? Yummy...just finished eating there you creeper!

  2. I like your shirt Erin. Good color for todays pics.

  3. I loooove Flagstaff. Hope you had fun!

  4. aww looks like so much fun!!! can't wait to see you SOON!
    (at least I can read your blog on my restricted internet... ha)
    - Julie
