Thursday, June 7, 2012

Roadtrip: Day 3

Monument Valley-Four Corners-Mesa Verde

Day three was another extremely full but fun day.  Highlights of the day were nearly running over a sheep, spotting a UFO in New Mexico (or possibly a cell phone tower...we may never know...), and watching a killer lightning storm as we cruised in to Santa Fe around midnight.  Good times! 

Saw this sign as we were leaving Flagstaff...gave me a good chuckle.

Monument Valley...lots of westerny looking rock formations...


More rocks....this one looks like an owl.  It was an exciting moment.

At Four Corners...we're standing in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado.

All the Native American shops around Four Corners. 

We ate some Navajo frybread. 

Indian cliff dwellings from the 1200's.

So awesome!!

Cutie hubs.

James climbing the ladders to get out of the cliff dwellings.

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