Sunday, June 10, 2012

Roadtrip: Day 6

A few things I've learned during the first week of roadtripping:

1) Blue Bell ice cream is delicious.

2) There are places in the country where people wear cowboy hats even when not at a country music concert.

3) Yolo means "you only live once."  Apparently this is something the kids are saying these days.

4) Texas and Oklahoma have minimum speed limits in order to keep tractors off the freeways.

5) California is apparently the only state that consistently provides toilet seat covers in public restrooms.  I just miss them so much... :(

We spent Friday night and all day Saturday visiting my friend Julie in Lubbock, Texas.  I haven't seen her since last summer so it was great to finally get to hang out again.  We spent our time bowling, playing laser tag, laying out by the pool, and watching the NBA playoffs.  I miss you, Jules!!

James' love is "Burning".  Obviously.

Julie and her friend Cade eating Blue Bell at the park.

That little girl behind us was so obnoxious.

Julie's parents Linda and Alan let us stay at their house for the weekend.  Thank you!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh man, I want to be there. That looks so fun! Hi Jules! I hope you guys are having a safe road trip!! (I posted using my sister's account at first, hahaha)

  3. come baaaaaack! And Jess, we wished you were there!!! - Julie
