Saturday, June 30, 2012

James Goes to Ithaca

Today we took a 45 minute drive to Ithaca to check out the nearest "big" town and to explore the farmers market that has been recommended to us several times in the short time since we've been here.  It was small, but so cute!!

The market.

I felt obligated to take this photo because the sign said Cherry.

Live music.

James not happy about being forced to pose for photos.

Still not happy...but about to order an apple cider donut so that should help.

Yum! All better!
The best part of the whole day was finally finding a place with frozen yogurt which is a staple in our diets.  We will definitely be heading back up to Ithaca again soon!

Aaaah sooo happyyyyy.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I finally went to the gym today.  I've been attempting to go every day this week and today was the first time I actually got my butt out of the door.  However, when I got to the gym to sign up for a membership, the cost was absurd and I refused to pay.  So now here I am at home...blogging.  Typing must burn soooome calories right??

Lately, every night James and I have found ourselves on our own ends of the couch, playing each other in Words With Friends, not talking.  We realized it would probably be much more fun to interact with each other while playing so we busted out the dictionary and bought a Scrabble board.  So fun!! Are we nerdy??


I am getting close to finalizing my resume which is kind of making me freak out.  I hate interviewing!  And I really like sleeping in...but it will be nice to feel useful again and not have to worry so much about counting pennies. 

I went downtown by myself yesterday, met some shop owners, bought some candles, and made a hair appointment for next week.  Hairdressers always know the cool stuff to do in town so hopefully I'll get some good info.

Pretty walkway to a bridge.

Kids playing in a fountain.

View from the bridge...if I had known the view would be this ugly I wouldn't have walked all the way out there!

The center of downtown.

Downtown!  So cute.

The Corning Inc., summer picnic is tomorrow afternoon and spouses are NOT invited!! How lame is that??? However, James has been assigned a "sponsor" who is taking us out to dinner next week and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that his wife and I hit it off.

I bought some new sandals when we were in Virginia last weekend and now I'm obsessed.  Now to find a new nail salon...I'm in need of a pedi!  Who wants to join me??

Twice since we've lived in this apartment we have found strange things in our kitchen sink...they look like giant boogers...or soggy mushrooms...We are assuming it is something coming up from the drain because we can't figure out where else it could possibly be coming from.  Aggh!

That's all for now.  Time to work on my latest baby afghan!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


My first day as a housewife:

7:08 Wake up

7:15 Make James breakfast

7:45 Get back in bed

8:15 Get up again

8:17 Do dishes

8:45 Rearrange furniture

9:00 Vacuum

9:15 Watch the news

10:30 Research local gyms online (that's almost as good as actually going to the gym right?)

10:45 Take photos for blog

11:00 Call from bestie over coffee

12:00 Make James a sandwich

12:30 James comes home.  Eat lunch.

 1:45 Get dressed

2:00 Go for a walk around the apartment complex

3:15 Shower

3:50 Go to Walmart (ugh, never again)

4:15 Cook dinner
Here's proof.

5:05 James comes home!!!

I'd say I was pretty housewifey yesterday...but today is SVU marathon day so all bets are off!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Here's our apartment with furniture.  We put most of our pictures and decorations in storage so this is as good as it's going to get :)

Walking through the front door.

Living area to the right.

Eating area to the left.

Ack!  Where did the counter go??

Looking back towards our bedroom.

Bedroom...not very exciting really.

View from our balcony looking to the right.

View to the left from our balcony.  You can kind of see the lake from here.

Bonus photo! James came home for lunch today! Woo!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


So we finally made it to Corning after a long but incredibly fun road trip.  We arrived in town on Tuesday, the moving truck delivered our stuff on Wednesday, and we've spent every day since then unpacking and organizing.  I'm pretty sure we were very, very spoiled by our last apartment because after seeing this one for the first time...I...well...I cried.  Kind of embarrassing to admit, but it wasn't quite what I was hoping for.  It will do though, and after killing all the bugs and getting our stuff moved in things are looking much better around here. 

Here are the before pictures.  I'll post some after pictures of it furnished once we get all the empty boxes out of here. 

Our apartment.

What you see when you walk in the front door. Bathroom door on the right. Air conditioning unit on the wall.
Looking to the left in the main room.  To the left is the kitchen.

Kitchen.  We have waaaaay too much stuff for this little kitchen.

Looking to the right in the main room.  That's where our TV and couches are now.

Our teeny tiny bathroom and spaceship shower.

Tight hallway going from the bathroom to our bedroom.  Accordion doors on both annoying.

Our bedroom and second air conditioning unit.
The wasp that was there to welcome us.  James killed it in thanks.

Our deck and the giant tree where we think the wasps live.

Yes we have our complaints, but over the last few days we've started coming up with things we really like about the apartment...for example there are outlets eeeeverywhere which is super convenient.  Also, even though the apartment overall is smaller than what we're used to, the main living area and our bedroom are actually larger than what we had before.  I think this will work just fine.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Roadtrip: Day 10

We decided to give the road a rest for a day and spent today exploring Chicago.  I've always loved big cities and I have to say that Chicago may be my favorite yet.  I love the hustle and bustle, the combination of historic buildings with new ones, from what I've seen it's relatively clean for a big city, and it's right next to Lake Michigan.  I'm in love.   
we took a tour of wrigley field this morning.

The historic scoreboard, still manually operated after all these years.

The field.

James in the press box.

We got to go onto the field!

I touched the grass, mwuhahahaha.

View from Sears Tower, now Willis Tower, tallest building in the western hemisphere.

We stepped out onto the glass ledge...scary!

Aaahh the city.

Navy Pier

Navy Pier

We stumbled upon another concert in the park.  This one was huge!!

The weird reflective blob thingy.

James is in this photo somewhere!
We had fun taking pictures of ourselves in the reflection of the blob.

  Our hotel happened to be across the street from a Ruth's Chris so we indulged.  Now it's sleep time!  Tomorrow we head to Virginia to see James' family. Woo!