Thursday, March 3, 2011


This morning James came home after working all night (poor guy) with his arms full of Girl Scout cookies. I had requested that he order some a few weeks ago which he kindly did...but when they arrived James could never find the time to go pick them up from the office in which they were waiting for him. Since they were on Base I couldn't go get them (I still don't have Base tags on my car) which I toootally would have because just knowing they were there waiting for me was torturous. So close, yet so far.

Needless to say I was quite pleased when he finally brought them home this morning. I quickly started packing my lunch for the day...balogna and american cheese sandwich...doritos...gatorade...clearly my tastebuds haven't evolved much since second grade. Anyway, when I went to open the box of my favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie so as to put a few in a zip lock bag to take along with me, James insisted that I take the whole box to the office to share with my co-workers.

After some resistance I agreed, smushed the entire box in my purse, and headed for work. Once in the building, I easily made it to my office without anyone noticing me...or the fact that I had a box of cookies in my purse. At that point it was clear that the best decision would be to hide the cookies in my desk and not share. And not tell James that I didn't share. No one would be the wiser at work, James wouldn't judge me, and I would have a large supply of my favorite snack to keep me company during the long days of tax return preparation. Win, win, win.

After the second cookie I could barely stand to look at my reflection in the picture frame sitting on the corner of my desk. I felt so ashamed. Who hides cookies in their desk?? The instant I realized the kind of person the box of Girl Scout cookies was turning me into, I grabbed the box, hung my head, and trudged to the kitchen where I displayed the cookies for anyone who might happen to be interested.

I'm glad I made the right decision. It's just that classic battle of taste-buds vs. waistline clouding my brain. I declare victory for my waistline and hope for a shame-free future. Remember what Nancy Reagan used to say, "Just say no [to too many Girl Scout cookies]." Or something along those lines.

1 comment:

  1. I have Peppermint Patties hiding in my desk drawer right now and I'm not judging myself . . . because Lori put them there. Mom
