Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our Weekend

This past weekend James and I took a trip up to Monterey to visit my sister's family and to meet their newest little one, Violet. The trip was quick but we both had a great time. On Saturday we all headed out to the aquarium where we let Sammie guide us to all the coolest sea creatures and where Reese tried to kiss a sting ray through some glass. Kind of gross...but pretty cute too. We even saw a couple taking wedding photos by the shark tank (I will not judge, I will not judge, I will not judge).

After that Joni and I took advantage of nap time for the girls by going shopping while the husbands drank home-brewed beer and watched college basketball. For dinner Jim made us some yummy tri-tip and now I'm anxious for James to throw some on the grill too! I haven't had any in quite a while.

Sunday morning after a quick coffee with the fam, we left to meet up with James' friends, Dan and Jen, from the Academy who have just been stationed in Monterey. James and I flew out to Annapolis for their wedding shortly after we started dating and since then the only time we've seen either of them was at our own wedding so it was nice to hang out with them without all the pressure of weddings in the air.

Unfortunately we forgot our camera on this trip :( But we did manage to take a couple photos on James' phone. Here's one of James and I outside the aquarium:

And here's one of James with Violet:

We got a few more with Sammie and Reese in them as well, but they were shirtless due to an earlier tea party disaster so I decided to leave them out.

We left Monterey at about noon on Sunday and made the long, five hour journey home just in time for me to repack and get picked up by my boss for a business trip to San Diego. Then James locked himself out of the apartment. The end!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Lesson for the Day

The other day I had a sort of epiphany. It started out small and grew into a giant revelation about life. And it all began with my new sunglasses.

A few weeks ago I finally got fed up with having to decide between wearing my regular glasses when I'm driving so that I can read road signs or wearing my sunglasses so that I can keep my eyes open on bright days. I came to the realization that I was going to have to shell out the big bucks and get some prescription sunglasses so as to avoid making a choice either way. So I went and tried on millions of pairs until I found the perfect ones...large enough to have good eyeball coverage, but small enough that I don't look like the all too common species of insect, the Female Southernalifornius. The instant I put them on I knew I had made a great decision. I looked pretty fly and I could actually see. It was amazing.

As I started wearing my glasses around everywhere, I began to accidentally wear them indoors without noticing. I'm not sure what the deal was because you would think the world suddenly getting darker would tip me off, but it didn't. I guess the fact that I could see and read and do everything normally with my super rad shades on overtook all my ability to sense change in lighting. After realizing I had done this a few times, I started to think about how much easier it is sometimes to just keep your sunglasses on when you're inside rather than taking them off an not being able to see, or taking them off and switching to regular glass which typically is more effort than it's worth especially when you're stepping inside for only a few minutes. So it's official: I've turned into one of those too-cool-for-school people who wears sunglasses outdoors and in.

That's when it hit me that maybe it's the same for those many other people who I have judged over the years for wearing their sunglasses even when they are inside. Or when it's not sunny. Maybe they aren't high on ecstasy. Maybe they don't think they are better than everyone else. Maybe they just can't see without glasses on. And that's where the epiphany began. I have judged so many people over the years for doing exactly the same thing that I do now, and the reason I judged them is because I didn't understand why they were doing it. I didn't look at the situation from their perspective. I simply judged without giving the fact that they might have a good reason for doing such a thing any consideration. And that's something I don't like about myself. I am one of those people who makes instant judgements upon meeting people, and I have been proven wrong so many times that I know I need to make an extra effort to be more open to people about why they are the way the are or why they might do the things they do. Just because someone doesn't do something a certain way or behaves in a way that is not what I'm used to doesn't mean it's "weird" or "wrong". It's just different. And that's okay.

So even though it's quite possible that people who wear glasses indoors really aaaare just trying to look cool, there is still some truth behind the revelation my sunglasses made me have. I've been working on being less judgmental and having more of any open mind about people and situations for a long time, but it is something I want to continue improving on every day. There is a story behind every person that we don't always consider when we react towards them. It's time for me to really start appreciating everyone for their uniqueness and treating everyone with the same respect because even if something seems weird or ridiculous to me, there's likely a darn good reason for it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Dangerous Hobby

Ever have someone ask you that awkward question, "So, what do you like to do for fun?" I hate that question. Maybe it's the weird looks I get when I answer, "Crochet and watch movies with my mom," or the disapproving glares when my response is, "I really enjoy reality TV." I suppose the question might not be so awkward for someone who enjoys cliff-diving...or someone who sails every weekend out in the deep blue sea and has a leathery tan face to prove it...or a person who volunteers at a homeless shelter every night. You can't judge someone with hobbies so cool and admirable.

I guess hobbies are one thing that contribute to our uniqueness though. I mean, you can't help what you like. I certainly didn't judge the young woman I met on my cruise last May when she shared her passion for hula-hooping. Weird? Yes. But also pretty cool. Even though the hobbies I do have are sometimes embarrassing to share, there is one that tops them all that I will never reveal to someone I have just met and am still trying to impress. But for you guys, I will make my confession. Checker on Nearly every time I have an itch, an outch or anything else out of the ordinary I log on and see what new disease I have. It's great because I can find out if it's serious enough to see the doctor or if there are ways I can make it better from home. But it doesn't always end so well. Often I log off convinced that I have a brain tumor or that my arm needs to be amputated. Once my virginal friend with the same hobby became certain that she was pregnant. Her symptom? The sniffles. It's a dangerous, dangerous game we play on WebMD. I say, search your symptoms with caution. And don't always believe what you read on the Internet. Good luck!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Ever watch that show "Obsessed" on A&E? Well, neither have I, but it sounds like something I'd enjoy. If I was ever on the show it's possible I'd be highlighted for my obsession with text messaging. I'm not as bad as some, but I compulsively check my phone to see if that glorious little green light is blinking at me in the corner. This is when my phone is on silent. And when it's not on silent? If I hear that delightful twinkling sound I can't help but immediately check out what's happening with whoever took the time out of their day to send me a message. It's like a tick.

I've always been kind of socially awkward. I can't stand mingling, forced encounters with new people I feel obligated to be nice to, or talking on the phone. If I must be contacted I much prefer a quick text or email to a phone call. Maybe that's rude of me but the way I see it, an awkward person in the flesh can only exponentially increase in awkwardness on the phone. There are a few exceptions of course, but they are few and far between. If I have ever answered a phone call from you, you are a lucky person indeed (lol).

Anyway a grand catastrophe occurred last night and lasted throughout most of today. It only ended about 5 minutes ago actually. My phone wouldn't text. And not just that...the ONLY person I couldn't text was JAMES. How does that happen?? I could receive his texts and make phone calls and text to anyone else I wanted, yet for nearly 24 hours there was text silence between us because of my lame phone. It was torture, especially since I am on a business trip so texting is our only form of communication until I call James before bed. Needless to say, it was a rough day.

So after we both turned off our phones and then tried again and they stiiiill didn't work (that always works with computers, why not phones too?) I finally called customer service. The customer service rep called me back in my hotel room (creepy because I had to give him my room number...hopefully Verizon Customer Service Headquarters is far, far away from Reno) and tells me to try to send another text to James. So I do. And of course...IT WORKS. I said, "Wow! Did you do something already??" and he said he hadn't. It's just one of those things I when as soon as your doctor can finally fit you in for an appointment, your once deathly illness is mostly resolved and you look like a whimpy poo-poo (one of my greatest fears), or when you call the maintenance guy about your broken garbage disposal and the note he leaves you is that it worked when he tried it. Am I the only person this type of thing happens to? Am I destined to look a fool? Oh well...I guess if these are my biggest problems I'm a pretty lucky lady :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

James the Great

For all of you who haven't heard, my husband is an amazing man. The fact that such a great person would love me makes me feel extremely blessed. This weekend he showed his love for me by flying one of my best friends out from Texas to see me for my birthday. Who does that?! My man does!! He meant it to be a surprise but has yet to learn how to keep a secret from me. He kept it quiet for quite a while though! I was impressed!! And even though it wasn't a surprise in the end, it was still perfect. I had lots of amazing and much needed girlie time and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect weekend!!

Here's a pic of me and Jules. We got mistaken for sisters three times this weekend.

I just don't see it...haha.

In addition to the girlie time we also got to visit my newest niece and birthday buddy, Harper. My parents were in town too so it was just a friends and family filled weekend!! Here are some pics my mom took:

Doesn't James look great with a baby in his arms?!? We've been warned that pregnancy is contagious so we are staying away from babies for a while. least until we go visit my sister and Violet next weekend. Aaaah!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tears of...Joy?

It is no secret that I am a pretty emotional person. This week I've been crying a lot. At work, at home, in the car. But only out of one eye. And it's not emotion related. Something is apparently wrong with my eye. I'm currently waiting for the doctor to get back to me on that one.

Anyway, all the tear wiping that's been going on lately, especially when it takes place in my office, has brought back a lot of memories from last year when I used to cry in my office all the time. The fact that lately my tears have been purely physical and not emotional not only makes me also makes me feel relieved. While James was gone I cried all the time, and I started to think I might really be losing it. I began to wonder if I really was crying because I was sad that James was gone, or if I was just off my rocker. Since he's been back the tears have stopped so it looks like I'm not going to have to check myself into a mental institution anytime soon. That's as good a reason as any to celebrate. Oh also, it's my birthday. So there's that.

Another person who is crying today is my newest niece who is so far unnamed. Happy birthday little birthday buddy niece! Man, what a babylicious family I have.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Seabee Ball

Last night James and I spent the evening at the Seabee Ball. Every year the Seabees have a big dinner and dancing party to celebrate the birthday of the Seabees. This year was the 69th birthday. Happy birthday, Seabees!

The real excitment of the day all took place before actual event. James and his friend/coworker/roommate in Afghanistan, Ben, decided that his wife and I should be friends so Dana and I spent a few evenings during the past week driving all over the place shopping for dresses. On the day of the Ball we spent the day getting our hair, nails, and makeup done. You don't really have to put so much effort into the Ball, but it's always fun to pamper yourself so we took advantage of the situation and had a blast. Aside from having to tame down the huge 90's hairdo that the hairdresser gave to Dana, all was perfect for the big night.

The actual Ball was a lot of mingling and saying, "Nice to meet you," and, "Nice to see you again," to those people who claimed to have met me before. In between mingling there were speeches, presentations, tasteless steak, dry cake, and lots of "Hoorahs!" Overall it was just a nice evening out with James...I'm always a fan of seeing him in his uniform!

Here's a pic of us before the Ball in front of Dana and Ben's house. If you think my dress looks amazing, you should feel it. It is silky and wonderful.

At dinner:

The Ball was at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Take a look at the picture below. That giant thing behind us is Air Force One! Our table was right underneath it...pretty awesome!

After looking over the pictures today I realized that you can't even see James' ribbons in any of the pictures! I have no idea what they mean, but they make me proud of my man :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This morning James came home after working all night (poor guy) with his arms full of Girl Scout cookies. I had requested that he order some a few weeks ago which he kindly did...but when they arrived James could never find the time to go pick them up from the office in which they were waiting for him. Since they were on Base I couldn't go get them (I still don't have Base tags on my car) which I toootally would have because just knowing they were there waiting for me was torturous. So close, yet so far.

Needless to say I was quite pleased when he finally brought them home this morning. I quickly started packing my lunch for the day...balogna and american cheese sandwich...doritos...gatorade...clearly my tastebuds haven't evolved much since second grade. Anyway, when I went to open the box of my favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie so as to put a few in a zip lock bag to take along with me, James insisted that I take the whole box to the office to share with my co-workers.

After some resistance I agreed, smushed the entire box in my purse, and headed for work. Once in the building, I easily made it to my office without anyone noticing me...or the fact that I had a box of cookies in my purse. At that point it was clear that the best decision would be to hide the cookies in my desk and not share. And not tell James that I didn't share. No one would be the wiser at work, James wouldn't judge me, and I would have a large supply of my favorite snack to keep me company during the long days of tax return preparation. Win, win, win.

After the second cookie I could barely stand to look at my reflection in the picture frame sitting on the corner of my desk. I felt so ashamed. Who hides cookies in their desk?? The instant I realized the kind of person the box of Girl Scout cookies was turning me into, I grabbed the box, hung my head, and trudged to the kitchen where I displayed the cookies for anyone who might happen to be interested.

I'm glad I made the right decision. It's just that classic battle of taste-buds vs. waistline clouding my brain. I declare victory for my waistline and hope for a shame-free future. Remember what Nancy Reagan used to say, "Just say no [to too many Girl Scout cookies]." Or something along those lines.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Name That Couple!

1) Goes to bed by 10:00 every night. Occasionally stays up until 11:00 when feeling wild.

2) Wife enjoys crocheting, reading, watching old English movies, and quoting Pride and Prejudice.

3) Husband enjoys passing out on the couch at 8:00 every night and moans at every move due to his bad back.

4) They watch Jeopardy every night and record it on their DVR for those rare occasions when they are not home at 7:00.

5) They drink Boost regularly.

6) Husband frequently says, "Bless his/her heart."

7) Wife buys cardigans like they are going out of style.

8) Wife wears glasses and has a difficult time driving at night.

9) They have a drug drawer for collecting random medications that have so far gone unused.

10) They love Palm Springs.

11) Wife frequently scolds annoying children (under her breath)

Please select one of the following:

a) George and Barbara Bush

b) Earl and Evelyn Wood

c) Any couple between the ages of 70 and 100 in America

d) James and Erin