Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jealous of my Rat

Well, as most of you know Mayo's health took a dive last week and we ended up taking her to the vet.  Who knew there were vets who treated rats?? I didn't...James had to call six places to find one.  Anyway, it turns out that all the snoring she's been doing the last few months has actually been a respiratory infection.  Also...I've always thought she may have some vision problems, and now it seems quite likely that she is completely blind.  Hard to ask a rat to tell you how many fingers you're holding up though.

Anyway, on top of all this she seems to have lost most of the function in all of her legs and has an ear infection that seems to be causing her to lose her balance...which means she scoots along to get anywhere, is constantly rolling over on to her sides, and sometimes ends up sitting on her booty like a human.  This also means eating has been difficult because she can barely use her hands to hold her food.  Not that she has had much of an appetite lately, but the last couple of days when we put something in front of her face she will take a few nibbles so we think that is a good sign.  The vet put her on two antibiotics which seemed to be helping for a day or two, but now she appears to be back where she started, just without all the snoring.  At least something is getting better I suppose.  She has another appointment this afternoon so I will keep you updated.  I know you all must be very concerned.

That's a look of love right there.

 Anyway, I have been busy traveling for work lately so James has taken over the role of going to the vet, cleaning her cage every day (vet's orders), and giving Mayo her antibiotics through a tiny little syringe.  He even bought her a humidifier.  He is a doting father.  And I think he loves her more than he loves me.

"Eat some apple my little schnookie-pooh!"

"Woman, stop taking my photo and leave me and my rat child in peace!"


  1. This post just made my day. HILAR! And so cute that he's taking such good care of little Mayo.

  2. That's how you know you married a good one. You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats animals and his mother, LOL. Poor Mayo!!! Hope she gets better soon!
