Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Poll

Since the passing of our beloved rat child I have been surprised to find that I can't stop thinking about filling the void with something new.  Lots of ideas have run through my mind, but since we are probably about to move I think I am leaning towards holding off for a while.

Well...the logical part of me wants to hold off...the impulsive emotional part of me wants something new to play/cuddle with immediately!!  I thought I'd see what you all think based on the following choices:

A) Guinea pig

B) Small to Medium Dog

C) Potbellied Pig

D) Baby Human

E) All of the above are a lot of work, expensive, and they smell.  Don't do it. 

What are your thoughts?


  1. Clearly this is a no-brainer with two answers...B and D! Get B now and then it can be friends with D when the little mini human comes around. Problem solved.

  2. I say A until you find out if you are going to be living in a pig safe zone and if you will have time to let your dog out with your work schedules, etc. Plus guinea pigs are AWESOME. Also, I like the idea of D :) :) :)

  3. I choose answer F: Wait until you move.

  4. I agree with your mom, wait until you move. As someone who lugged a tiny human during a move- it's not fun. And, I would suspect that a little animal would be even worse! Sorry to hear about Mayo, though :(
