Sunday, February 26, 2012

Auditors Have Feelings Too

What comes to mind when you think of being audited?  A pleasant, comfortable, lovely experience?

What do you imagine auditors are like?  Joyful? Fun?  Willing to overlook discrepancies in financial documents?

Believe it or not, part of an auditors job is to find those discrepancies, question them, determine the source of the problem, then report back to the person/company being audited about how they have screwed up.  And being told that you've screwed up (or just being questioned about how you do things) can make for a not so pleasant, comfortable, lovely experience.

Obviously being audited sucks, but it's my job and I try to ease people's nerves and make it less stressful for everyone by being nice.  But for this one particular client, I apparently asked one question to many.  (Keep in mind that asking questions is my joooooob)  A few days ago I was mistakenly sent this email about myself from said client and it really hurt my feelings: (note: the "she" being referenced is me)


    Could you look into this? I'm done. I can't handle this. She is driving me crazy. I understand the liability  but    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are all those exclamation points really necessary? Auditors have feelings too, you know :( 

*Names have been changed to protect the jerkfaces


  1. Sorry that happened. It is a little ironic that you are looking over her documents for mistakes, though, and she mistakenly sent you an email about yourself. Doesn't bode well for her having error free financial documents, does it?

  2. That's not very nice!

    PS, I had a dream the other night that you changed your blog template so that the header said "It's my birthday this month! Buy me stuff!" hahahahahha
