Monday, February 7, 2011

Just a Few Things...

Well, it's almost Valentine's Day. V-day was always my favorite holiday growing up...I think it was because I always hoped someone would unexpectedly make some huge romantic gesture towards me as I walked through the halls of my junior high or high school and alllll the other girls would be jealous and it would be just about the best thing that could ever happen to me. The closest I ever came to that during my junior high and high school years was when a boy gave me a stuffed gorilla that sang "Wild Thing." He even sprayed it with his cologne. Good effort I suppose.

But nothing ever compared to my last Valentine's Day. I mean, it doesn't get much better than being proposed to on a beach by the man you love. There was even an Oreo milkshake involved, so I just can't imagine anything more perfect. Or romantic. Ah, swoon. James is just the best and during this romantic time of year, I just wanted to share a few things that I love about him. This is by no means a comprehensive list...because, well...the list is endless really.

1. A few weeks ago I told James I wanted wavy hair. His response was, " bacon?" Not exactly what first comes to mind when I think of wavy hair, which makes it all the more adorable and hilarious.

2. He's extremely handy. I loooove that he can fix anything, build anything, and figure out any new technology quicker than I can even open the box. Yesterday, for example, we bought a new bed. We had to be at a friend's house for the Superbowl within an hour, but instead of waiting until we had more time to put it together, he whipped all those pieces right out of the boxes and put that thing together as if he had written the instructions himself. Amazing.

3. This goes along with being handy, but there are few things in this life that make James happier than a trip to Home Depot. He loves the place and could spend hours there. While I hate going with him and always give him a time limit before entering (usually 15 minutes...that place is so boring!) I love how happy it makes him. See photo below.

4. He looks great in uniform :)

5. He puts up with my moods. I, unfortunately, am a pretty moody person. It's not something I like about myself, so I'm working on it. But it still happens. I've never met anyone on the face of the earth who can get me out of a bad one...except for James. I really don't know how he does it or why he even bothers putting up with me. But I'm glad he does.

6. He makes me laugh without even trying. The other day we were relaxing on the couch after work and he was being sweeter than usual. I said, "You're being so tender today." As he groaned while adjusting his achy grandpa back he said, "I'm an old man, babe....tenderness is all I have to offer." Possibly one of those things that is funnier in the moment, but regardless, I loved it.

7. He has tooooons of friends and makes new friends easily. Every once in a while James will get a call from a long lost friend from junior high or someone from the Navy that he hasn't seen for years and they will just chat for an hour or so like no time has passed at all. He loves hanging out with his buddies but somehow he still manages to make me feel like his number one priority. I'm needy, what can I say?

8. Even though he's a manly man, he still lets me watch my girlie shows every now and then. He even has a favorite contestant on the Bachelor this season. And even though he groans whenever I turn on the Biggest Loser, by the end he is always making encouraging comments to all the contestants when they weigh in such as, "Good job, lady!", "Way to go!", "Wow, you worked so hard!" etc. Love it.

There are many, many more things I love about James, but these are just a few that I have been thinking about lately and appreciating :) I love my man!!


  1. That's so sweet! Does he read your blog?

  2. Every once in a while he does :) I don't think he's read this one yet though!
