Sunday, February 13, 2011

Note to Big Blue

Ode to the Cherry family big blue sectional.

Big blue, I've known you for as long as I have been alive.

You've been there through thick and thin,
Sleepy and awake,
Cuddly and lonely,
Baby and poor college grad,
The liveliness of friends and family and many a good nap.
You've been through it all, and never once have you let me down.

I have seen videos of my brother and sister jumping off of you and onto your giant plush cushions awaiting them on the ground as four and six year olds. I saw myself in the background of that video as a baby, not yet knowing the wonder that you possess and the comfort of your cushiness.

I remember building forts with your cushions and blankets and crawling through with glee. I remember using your cushions as backstops for many a make-shift hall hockey game. I remember the whole family being able to fit on you every Christmas as we opened gifts one by one. You've always been there for all of us.

No other couch is as long and wide as you are. No other couch is just as comfortable as a bed. No other couch can seduce even the most caffeinated person to slumber the way you do. No other couch can hide stains like you do. No other couch will ever measure up to your amazingness, Big Blue.

But alas, the time has come for you to leave us. You've been with me in my apartment for the last 2 1/2 years, but now I'm moving, and I just can't take you with me this time. It breaks my heart when I think about the cold black leather I will be forced to cuddle with from now on. It just won't be the same. You have touched so many lives and you will be greatly missed by us all. I make it my mission to find you the best home possible, because you, Big Blue, only deserve the best.

Any comments or memories about Big Blue are welcomed at this time.


  1. Oh Erin, that couch obit almost make me want to say we'll take it back. What you couldn't be sad all by yourself? You had to bring us all in on it? Now I'm sad. It makes me happy though that you kids loved it so much and have good memories.

  2. Before Norah was born we traveled up to Modesto for the baby shower. Lucas got sick (remember?) He ended up staying on the couch so he wouldn't get me sick. But, I missed him in the bed so I went out to Big Blue and we cuddled for a bit. I think Big Blue nursed him back to health and probably protected me (being pregnant and all) from being sick.

    Good times. : ) That and your parents' dishwasher are legends. They just don't make 'em the same anymore.

  3. Oh, how many hours we spent watching re-runs of America's Next Top Model. Big Blue, you will never be forgotten!

  4. And now I'm crying about a couch post? Erin, you and Diana are killing me on your blogs since I cry over every little thing these days...

    What did happend to Big Blue? Maybe you should have written him into a pre-nup?

  5. I forgot to write a memory...

    My favorite memory is building tunnels and forts on Saturday mornings out of the cushions with Lucas!
