Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This morning I went to brush my teeth and as the toothbrush hit my teeth I noticed that it felt different than normal. I quickly pulled it out to investigate and realized that I had used James' toothbrush! Agggghhhhhh!

Typically I put my toothbrush in a drawer along with my toothpaste and James keeps his out on the counter, but since we moved I have been keeping mine on the counter as well(because there are hairs in the drawer from whoever lived here before us, grossssssss). And both our toothbrushes are blue. They are different, but similar.

Anyway, I am totally grossed out about what happened...but I've heard of couples who do that on purpose...or who don't mind sharing when for some reason one of them doesn't have a toothbrush handy. Is that like a husband-wife thing where you're supposed to be okay with sharing plaque, or is it just a freaky couples-who-are-way-too-comfortable-with-each-other thing? I love James dearly but I do not want his toothbrush in my mouth. EVER. Am I normal?


  1. i've had someone use my toothbrush without asking and then tell me after they did it like it's no big deal... I threw it away lol

  2. We're one of those way-too-close-for-comfort couples. Mostly influenced by Adrian, since he likes to use my toothbrush for weeks on end and not mention it. Now that I know I've been brushing his plaque all over my teeth for weeks, it doesn't seem to be as big of a deal...we're weird.
