Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Rad Valentine's Weekend

Thanks to my hubs, I got to do something I've wanted to do for a long time this weekend. I remember first seeing the Lion King on Broadway commercial on the Disney Channel when I was in junior high and wishing I could go see it. After years of waiting and hoping, I finally got to see it on Saturday in Las Vegas. Woo!! Isn't my man, great? I've been asking him to take me for a while and we finally got around to doing it. And it was amazing. Don't tell James, but I even teared up at the first scene...possibly because it was so amazing...also potentially because I couldn't believe I was finally's kind of embarrassing actually...oh well! It is what it is! The show was great and even James enjoyed it.

After that we wandered around for a little while and ended up at the steakhouse in our hotel. We filled up on lobster bisque, garlic mashed potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, and of course, filet minon. Yummmm! I thought the lobster bisque was especially significant because it was one of the appetizers at our wedding...James, however, does not recall that detail. Oh well! It was pretty darn tasty anyway :)

Next we took a cab to the Venetian and to see Blue Man Group. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but James had seen it before and really enjoyed it. If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing this show yet...I really can't explain it to you. All I can say is it's really cool and really weird. You definitely have to go into it with an open mind. And possibly drugs if you're into that kind of thing. Very odd. Very bizarre. Very hilarious.

It was about midnight when we got out of Blue Man and we are old farts who usually go to bed by 10:00, so we groggily made our way back to the room and passed out and hit the road first thing in the morning. We were only in Vegas for less than 20 hours but I'd say we made the most of it!! Definitely a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine's Day and to have some fun just the two of us :)

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