Thursday, October 7, 2010


Alright, so let me get this out of the way first. I realize that the title of my blog is Life is Just a Bowl of Smiths. And, yes, I understand that I am not yet a Smith. I am just thinking ahead! Leave me alone. And in case the title perplexes you further, "Life is just a bowl of cherries" is a famous saying...and Cherry is my last it's a kind of a play on words...get it?? Yes, I know. I'm very clever.

Moving on. I have been blogging for about six or seven months might be thinking where? IIIII don't see any blog posts! Alas, my friend, my old blog was a private one. It was more of a place for me to vent about James being gone and wasn't always appropriate for children...or parents...(just kidding, Mom!). It just felt private so I kept it to myself. My own little blog of misery.

However, at the behest of my two best friends, I have decided to pull an Addison Montgomery...I'm creating a crossover blog. This blog is the Private Practice to my Grey's Anatomy...slightly more mature (well...we'll see how that goes). Since James is going to be home soon (five-ish weeks) I am starting the see the light at the end of the tunnel and the need for my blog of misery seems to be disappearing. Meanwhile, the demand for a blog about the happiness in my life has been increasing exponentially as of late. I am a very, very important person and I have many, many fans (Jess, Jules...this means you).

Anyway, in order to commemorate the first posting of the crossover blog, I am going to include a little bit of the old along with the new...thus, misery and happiness combined. Here goes...

Many people have been telling me recently that being engaged is supposed to be a happy of the best in my life. When I hear that, it's hard not to think that something must be wrong with me...I must be the worst fiance/bride in the world because right now I am the most miserable I have ever been. At first I thought it was just because I reaaaally hate planning things and I'm suddenly being forced to plan this entire wedding and at no point during the planning has anything gone smoothly. There have been so many bumps in the road already that I freak out at the slightest change of plans. It would be so nice if just one thing could go right.

But the more I thought about my engagement misery the more I realized that it wasn't planning the wedding that was making my life hell (not completely anyway). It just so happens that the worst time in my life --James being gone-- is overlapping with the time that is rumored to be a happy time in my life --engagement. How in the world could anyone possibly expect me to enjoy being engaged when the person I am engaged to is on the other side of the world and I only get to talk to him for about 15 minutes each day (20 on a good day)? Not possible.

James is supposed to be home sometime in mid November and I am anxiously awaiting his arrival by planning things in my head...what I'm going to wear when I pick him up...what color I'm going to paint my nails (he likes it when my nails are dark...apparently it makes me look edgy) I'm going to jump into his arms the moment I see him...When James gets home we will have about two weeks left of engagement before we get married. I'm glad we don't have to wait very long to tie the knot, but a part of me also wishes we would have had more time to enjoy being engaged together. The way things are going though, I'm pretty sure I will enjoy being married a whole lot more!

After James left I made a paper chain reminiscent of a ten year old counting down the days till Christmas. I rip one off every Thursday. Happy Thursday everyone!