Monday, December 5, 2011

Time Flies...

Well, as of yesterday James and I have been married for a year! We're not quite sure where the year went, but we know it was awesome!! To celebrate we decided to take a quick weekend trip to Catalina Island.

The trip started off was taking longer to get to the ferry than we had anticipated so James went into race car driver mode and...well...we got pulled over. By that point we knew the evening was a bust and there was no way we could make it to the ferry on time. We were so frustrated!!! After being grumpy for a few minutes we managed to salvage the night by going to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and taking home dessert to enjoy while watching Love Actually, the first movie we ever watched together and our favorite Christmas movie. Despite our urge to mope around all night, the evening turned out to be pretty amazing and very "us"!

The next morning we had to be up at 4:15 to catch the ferry...which was a bummer...but we ended up getting to Catalina at the same time that we probably would have woken up if we had stayed there the night before, so it worked out quite nicely. James fell in love with Catalina (I liked it too, but I'd been there before and it was his first time) and we just enjoyed our time exploring the cute town, all the shops, looking at the views, wine tasting, getting massages, watching football (haha), and eating a delicious steak dinner. Good times, man :)

When we came home on Sunday evening we decorated our Christmas tree and James put lights up on our patio. The apartment feels so Christmassy now! James also surprised me with an anniversary gift...

A Keurig! Woo!!!!! I am so spoiled :)

Then we ate the top of our wedding cake as is tradition.

On to year two!


  1. is that a sliver of your new boots I see in the first picture? :)

  2. I thought I look so cute in all of your photos!

  3. So you can't tell I'm wearing my fat pants? Woo! I knew I had the best best friends :)

  4. You looks great in these photos! Also, congrats to you guys, we love you so much and we are so happy you found each other. ALSO- it is a Christmas tradition that Lucas and I have that we watch Love Actually EVERY YEAR. That's crazy that you guys do that, too. Weird...

  5. Happy Anniversary a few days late! December is a wonderful month to get married.

  6. Hey, You left out a couple of things out when you told me about your weekend on the phone. Stinker!

    I thought I saw some boots too and quickly looked for a full picture :( Oh well, this weekend :) What I saw looked very cute though.

  7. Mom, it was still a sensitive topic at the time, but I got permission to include it in the blog, haha! And yes, everyone, I got new boots! Woo!! Will post a better pic of them soon :)
