Thursday, December 15, 2011


Wuv. Twu Wuv.

This morning as I left my apartment I was immediately pounced on by my next door neighbor. She had a question about rent because earlier we had been discussing our impending rent increase come January :(

Anyway, after the rent discussion she threw in an observation about me and James. She said our love for each other is so apparent, even in just the short times she sees us taking out the trash or walking to our car. Yes, we take out the trash together from time to time, and we hold hands while doing it. That's how we roll. She said it was a beautiful thing and to keep it up.

It made me tear up a bit to hear her say that. Maybe it's just because James is in Indonesia and I miss him a lot. Whatever the reason, it was nice to hear that and made me feel all warm and tingly inside. So I just wanted to share.

You can all go vomit now.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww, that's the sweetest ever. Remove that last line. No need for that at all. Anyone who would want to is just jealous.
