Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Romance is Dead

That's right, the romance is dead. But not out of my relationship with James. In fact, tomorrow night we have plans to cuddle up on the couch with Taco Bell and sparkling cider while watching Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. If that's not romance, I just don't know what is. (I'm being serious here, people...this is my ideal evening).

The romance that's dead however is that which I used to have with my job. I remember going to my interview 2 1/2 years ago and hearing my future boss say, "There is a lot of traveling involved in this job. Will that be a problem for you?" A problem? Are you kidding me? At the time, traveling for work sounded fun and exciting. I couldn't wait to hit the road with the audit team, which I did the second week of my employment there. It was exhilarating. We went to the exotic Reno, Nevada. Well, maybe not so exotic, but the fact that I got to sound smart and important by telling people that I was going on a business trip made up for it.

From then on the trips just kept coming and I kept loving it. I would always look forward to trips because 1) the work day goes by so much faster when you're somewhere other than your own office, and 2) the novelty of staying in a hotel room by myself was intoxicating. I loved it, and would dread being stuck in my boring old office in boring old Ventura.

But things have changed. My feelings about traveling for work are really quite the opposite now. It partly has to do with the awkward looks I get from pretty much everyone when my 65 year old midget boss and I walk around in public together. It also has to do with the aforementioned hatred of dressing professionally. It has a lot to do with getting my laptop out of my work bag when I'm going through airport security (I absolutely despise doing that for some reason). But more than anything I'd say it's just being away from home and not being able to spend time with James after our long work days. Now staying in a hotel room by myself isn't so much intoxicating as it is lonely and kind of scary (thanks, SVU). This week happened to not be so bad because James was away on a field exercise anyway, but I'm pretty sure after the next six weeks of straight traveling (I get to come home on the weekends at least) we'll both be pretty tired of the travel. Lucky for me its only for a few months out of the year. (And I get lots of overtime! Yessss)

So, needless to say, I'm pretty stoked to go home to my husband tomorrow night. We're going on a fun outing on Saturday and then I'm off to the airport before noon on Sunday for another trip. Here's hoping this tax/audit season goes by quickly!

(this is me being scared and lonely)


  1. If it helps, I dread tax/audit season too.

  2. I had to stop watching Law and Order when I was home alone too. Too scary!
