Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Island Time

So my excuse for being extremely late on posting pictures from Christmas is that I'm still on island time...but I'm finally doing it now.

When we returned from our honeymoon we did a suitcase switch at our car and quickly hopped onto our flight to Virginia to spend the holidays with James' family. The whole gang was there: Mama Smith, Papa Smith, Chris, Joe and Katie and their three kids, Aine, Asa, and Milla, Grandma Smith, cousin Brittney, and the most beloved member of the family, Champ the yellow lab. Our week there was spent sleeping in, playing Wii, Cranium, Rummy, and Apples to Apples, watching movies, drinking Arbor Mist, and eating delicious homemade food. It was awesome.

On Christmas morning James and I woke up and looked out the window to see that it was snowing. It was gorgeous. I was so excited because I've never had a white Christmas! It didn't stick that day, but it was still cold and there was lots cuddling in blankets and drinking coffee to keep us all warm. It was a very cozy week, filled with lots of laughing and love. The Smith's are a family who truly cares about one another, it's obvious. I felt lucky to get to experience the holiday with them. Although that's not to say I didn't miss my own family incredibly!

Here are a few pics.

Um....can you say amazing uncle??? I think this is a good sign for when we pop out a few of our own kids :)

The Smith's have a tradition of making a gingerbread house on Christmas Eve. I've never made one so it was a fun new thing for me to try...although I think it was supposed to be mostly for the kids...

Obviously the bathing suit clad gingerbread couple was mine...I wasn't ready to let go of Bora Bora quite yet.

This is the only photo we got together while we were there:

Merry Christmas everyone!!

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