Monday, January 23, 2012

Feeling Discouraged

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I intend to run a race this year. And I'm starting off with a 5k. Unlike several people I know, I unfortunately cannot get up off my bum after several months of binging on Oreos while watching SVU marathons and run 10 miles. I just can't. But I always feel like I should be able to, and then I get discouraged.

This time I decided to try Couch to 5k. It is a nine week program that just gets you moving and by the end you're supposed to be able to run 3 miles. So far I have really enjoyed having everything spelled out for me. No wondering what type of workout I should do today or how hard I should push myself. I just have to follow the schedule and I'm good.

I just finished week four, and I have to admit the first three weeks were extremely easy for me. But week four. Ohhhh week four. I despise week four. Every day of the week was the same run, but for some reason, when I did it on Saturday, I felt like I was going to DIE. I mean, full on dry heaving for the last 30 seconds, had to lay on the floor for 20 minutes afterward, face so red for so long that James was getting ready to take me to the hospital (that part may be an exaggeration) kind of dying.

I'm either extremely out of shape or just incredibly wimpy. I'm not sure which it is, but either way, I'm feeling discouraged about running right now. In fact, I never want to see my beautiful new running shoes ever again. The thought of a sports bra makes me want to hide under the covers and begin another round of Oreo binging. So my question for all of you is: How do you keep going??


  1. Try on swimsuits. That usually makes me want to try harder, hahaha. Then tape a picture of the perfect bikini bod to your package of oreos. And work out to that "you can go hard or you can go home" song. Not that I'm one to really give advice, lol.

  2. Usually when you hit that point, you have to run just a little bit longer to feel the endorphins pulsing through your veins. If you just run one more run you will want to keep going because you will be able to tell that your body just pushed through a barrier! Keep going, Erin! You got this!!!

  3. I have no idea. Today was my first day and I think I forgot how to do this whole workout thing - I forgot to put on a sports bra (which made it unbearably painful to run), made it 20 minutes and then decided that was sufficient for my first real workout in 9 months. All I know is, we've done it before, we can do it again...just pretend like I just told you I ran for an hour and then get competitive and beat me :)

  4. I don't know. Pretend like Bob Harper is yelling at you? And that you have a giant crush on him? And that you have to push on so that you can get a hug from him at the finale? And then steal another hug before you walk off?

    I've seen you push yourself in volleyball practices at DV. You just have to remember how. You can do it!
