Sunday, December 18, 2011


I know I've written a couple of times about how I feel old. But last night, I got "the look." You know...the look you get from a person who is younger than you when they are in utter disbelief that you are unaware of some sort of pop culture occurrence.

Last night we went to the Gibson Amphitheater at Universal City Walk for a concert. As we were walking around we noticed a huge crowd, mostly consisting of girls around the age of 12, surrounding a stage upon which was what appeared to be a Justin Bieber wannabe. The crowd and passersby seemed to be abuzz with excitement over this child who was singing and playing the piano for them and we soon got the feeling that maybe he was actually someone famous. Maybe a Disney channel star? Nickelodeon? I did a triple take to make sure it wasn't J Bieb. It wasn't.

Eventually we couldn't handle not knowing who it was so James asked a young man who the kid star was. He said, "Oh, that's Greyson Chance." We must have given him a blank stare or something because that's when we got the look. The look, plus the 'tude. "Greyson Chance...??" His eyes were skeptical. Like we were alien life forms. Finally after we kept staring at him for a while and repeated the name Greyson Chance to the young man's satisfaction, he informed us that Ellen had discovered him on YouTube and now he is super duper famous and we are very uncool for not knowing who he is. Well, he told us the part about Ellen, but his look said the rest.

a link to one of Greyson's early Youtube videos. Imagine him a little older...wearing leather and skinny jeans.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Wuv. Twu Wuv.

This morning as I left my apartment I was immediately pounced on by my next door neighbor. She had a question about rent because earlier we had been discussing our impending rent increase come January :(

Anyway, after the rent discussion she threw in an observation about me and James. She said our love for each other is so apparent, even in just the short times she sees us taking out the trash or walking to our car. Yes, we take out the trash together from time to time, and we hold hands while doing it. That's how we roll. She said it was a beautiful thing and to keep it up.

It made me tear up a bit to hear her say that. Maybe it's just because James is in Indonesia and I miss him a lot. Whatever the reason, it was nice to hear that and made me feel all warm and tingly inside. So I just wanted to share.

You can all go vomit now.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Big Lo

I hate to admit that I've been influenced by reality TV, but the truth is that I was inspired last night. Inspired by...the Biggest Loser. Last night I watched the episode where all the contestant ran a marathon. It was amazing!! Even though I disliked the majority of the contestants this season, I found myself feeling so proud of everyone who crossed the finish line. And they were all so proud of themselves. I felt motivated.

And so, with this new inspiration fresh in my mind, I declare that 2012 will be the year that I run in a race. Likely not a marathon. Probably a 5k. But still. I've always wanted to but I've been scared and intimidated. This is the year I'm going to do it.

Thank you, Bob Harper! You're my hero!! *sob, sob* (That is me being Jen, for anyone who watched this season. Girl's got issues)

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Great Target Mystery

A week or two ago I made a list of items that I need to get at Target. I still haven't gone yet. In preparation for a Target trip tomorrow, I decided to take a look at the list and remove/add any necessary items. This is what my list said:

-Face wash
-wine gift bag
-b-day cards
-hamster/cat thingies

Eh?? Hamster/cat thingies??? I have absolutely no idea what I could have possibly meant by this. Not only do I not know anyone who owns a hamster or a cat, but I don't particularly like either animal. I am at a complete loss for what this was supposed to trigger me to buy at Target. I would think it was a trick of some sort, but it's in my handwriting. Anyone have any ideas?!?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Time Flies...

Well, as of yesterday James and I have been married for a year! We're not quite sure where the year went, but we know it was awesome!! To celebrate we decided to take a quick weekend trip to Catalina Island.

The trip started off was taking longer to get to the ferry than we had anticipated so James went into race car driver mode and...well...we got pulled over. By that point we knew the evening was a bust and there was no way we could make it to the ferry on time. We were so frustrated!!! After being grumpy for a few minutes we managed to salvage the night by going to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and taking home dessert to enjoy while watching Love Actually, the first movie we ever watched together and our favorite Christmas movie. Despite our urge to mope around all night, the evening turned out to be pretty amazing and very "us"!

The next morning we had to be up at 4:15 to catch the ferry...which was a bummer...but we ended up getting to Catalina at the same time that we probably would have woken up if we had stayed there the night before, so it worked out quite nicely. James fell in love with Catalina (I liked it too, but I'd been there before and it was his first time) and we just enjoyed our time exploring the cute town, all the shops, looking at the views, wine tasting, getting massages, watching football (haha), and eating a delicious steak dinner. Good times, man :)

When we came home on Sunday evening we decorated our Christmas tree and James put lights up on our patio. The apartment feels so Christmassy now! James also surprised me with an anniversary gift...

A Keurig! Woo!!!!! I am so spoiled :)

Then we ate the top of our wedding cake as is tradition.

On to year two!