Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wine Tasting

Making friends is always easy growing up. Kids find other kids that like playing Barbies or rolling around in the mud and a bond forms. When a Barbie kid meets a mud kid and realize they're not into the same things, they simply don't hang out together. This process of friend selection continues in much the same way as people get older: I like you so I hang out with you, or I'm not too fond of you, so I think I'll keep to myself. For the most part, you always have a choice about who you hang out with and who your friends are. But those glorious days can't last forever as I'm coming to learn.

That fairytale of having a choice about who you hang out with as a child and young adult comes to an end the instant you become part of a couple. When you're a part of a couple, and one of you is friends with someone who is also a part of a couple, it's just natural for the two friends to want to hang out as couples. This is a great idea in theory...but just because one member from each couple clicks doesn't always mean the rest of the members will instantly like one another. In fact, that rarely seems to be the case from what I've heard. Even if all the members of the couples agree to tolerate each other for the sake of the one they love, it's difficult to find couple groups where all four people actually enjoy each other and aren't merely tolerating one another. I am happy to say that James and I have been extremely lucky in that respect thus far in our relationship although I suppose it's possible that one of us is the person being tolerated...hm....

One of our favorite couples is the Monell's. Blair and I went to college together, and when I met James and introduced him to Blair and her husband Justin, the men formed an instant bromance. Unfortunately for us, Blair and Justin have been world travelers over the last year so we haven't been able to see them very often. This past weekend we finally had a chance to see them so we headed on up to wine country and had us some fun.

Wearing my sunglasses indoors. Ohhh yeah.

Blair's sister, Caitlin, and their friend Skeet joined us as well. One unexpected bonus was that Skeet works at the Firestone Brewery so we got a private tour.

Notice that James is sporting his new orange (Giant's) shirt.

I like friends :)

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