Monday, May 9, 2011

Strange Husband Behavior

A few weeks ago, after months of careful consideration and discussion, James and I decided to say goodbye to my college laptop and to enter the world of sophisticated adults by purchasing our very own desktop computer. And she's a beaut. It's a touchscreen, it's large, it can connect to wireless's basically just amazing. Naturally, after we purchased the desktop, we thought it made sense to get a desk to put it on. We're smart like that. So after spending an entire afternoon hitting up every office supply and furniture store within a 15 mile radius, we finally settled on a very modern looking glass-top computer desk. It's also a beauty...and the two of them together: marvelous.

Since we bought the computer and desk a few weeks ago, we have moved them around the apartment several times, trying to find just the right spot. We have finally settled on a location between our kitchen and living room. Other previous locations resulted in window blockage, inability to move the chair, and absolute seclusion from anyone else who might happen to be in the apartment. This final location is pretty much perfect. At least I think so.

Apparently I am alone in this belief though because nearly every time I return from being gone...whether it's for a few hours or a few days...the computer has somehow made its way to the coffee table. Right in front of the TV. You basically have to sit on an armrest to be able to see the TV when the computer is there because the screen is so big. I once thought it was a benefit that our new computer didn't have a monitor plus a tower, and was simply just a super smart monitor. Now I see the ease of moving our desktop has resulted in it becoming more of a laptop. Or a coffee-table-top if you will. James apparently likes to surf the web while also watching (or listening because you really can't see the TV at all) to television...which would be fine if he would just use his little net-book or even his phone. But instead he chooses to carry our new desktop, which must weigh like 20 lbs, all the way across the room so he can sit on the couch while he is using it. I just don't understand.

One of the main reasons I wanted to get a desktop is because at one point there were three or four laptops scattered throughout the apartment and all the tangled cords stretching across rooms to open outlets nearly caused my death several times. Plus there were a few close calls when I would sit on a pile of blankets on the couch and quickly realize they were hiding a computer beneath them. I just wanted one, set location where I could always go to use the computer and not have to deal with moving it. Ever.

What's the deal here?? I have never heard of someone moving a desktop computer to wherever they feel like sitting at any given time. In my mind a desktop computer has always been a stationary object. Apparently that is no longer the case. Maybe if we had gotten a La-Z-Boy recliner instead of your typical office desk chair James would just leave the stinking computer where it belongs. Or maybe I just need to open my mind to new ideas...

Note: This post is husband approved.

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