Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This weekend was soooo exhausting. A few weeks ago James took on the task of organizing teams from his battalion for the Port Hueneme Relay for Life. If you're not familiar with Relay for Life, it is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society where teams gather at a track for 24 hours and must have someone from their team walking at all times. During the 24 hours there are different activities going on for team members who are not currently walking and each team has a different booth with fun fundraising activities. James got five teams together, and people would come and go (like me) throughout the 24 hours. Here's a pic of everyone who was there at the end. For the most part these people were there the entire time.

Before the relay started, I just assumed everyone would take an hour and walk and then be done, so I was surprised when I found out James' first team member was taking a three hour shift. Thinking I would be nice and offer to walk with her I jokingly asked if she planned on running the entire three hours. She nonchalantely said no...probably just the first ten miles. I'm really hoping she didn't see the shock on my face. There's no way I was joining her for that!! On top of that, three of the people in the above picture took the whole thing a step further by running 25, 30, and 39 miles each. Pretty crazy. That's the military for you I guess. Too bad there is no prize or money earned based on miles walked/ran. I ended up taking the last two hour shift. I am still sore. From walking. I clearly need to start working out again.

Here's a candid of me and James at the very end of the relay :)

We are probably bad Relay for Lifers for doing this, but we already had tickets to the Zac Brown Band concert at the Hollywood Bowl Saturday night so we took a quick detour to Hollywood for that. We had so much fun!! It's always fun to hear the songs you know and love live, but we were both amazed at what talented musicians each of the band members was. I guess it's pretty obvious that they would be, but they really showed off at the concert and it was awesome. Among the exciting occurances that evening was a fight between two men sitting next to us because one of them couldn't figure out where he was supposed to sit...then somehow the other guy accused him of having fake tickets...and it just went from there. It was nuts. Luckily it was only verbal although we were pretty worried there for a few minutes. Then when we got to our car we realized that parking in a stacked parking lot was a huuuge mistake. We had arrived late so we just parked in the first lot we saw...unfortunately the parking was stacked so we had to wait for eeeeveryone who parked behind us to get to their car and leave before we could get out. We went and got some pizza while we waited. I don't recommend a stacked parking lot EVER.

I promise I looked cuter at the beginning of the night...but then I got cold and sleepy and the whole look just went downhill.

After our Zac Brown Band adventure we finally made it home at 12:30 a.m. James immediately went back to the Relay for a few hours, then came home and slept for a couple. Then we got up at 6:00 a.m. and went to Relay together and the whole thing ended around 10:00. Needless to say we were pretty exhausted and napped most of the rest of the day! All in all it was a fun, crazy, exhausting weekend.

Even though Relay for Life is over for us this year, they are still accepting donations until August 31st if you feel the desire donate! Lucky you :) Here's the link to James' page!

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