Thursday, April 12, 2012

Scatterbrained Saturday. I mean Thursday.

I've been feeling a little lost lately.  Kind of like life is moving around me and I am just bumbling along trying to keep up.  I think it's a combination of all the traveling I've been doing lately (mostly for work, some for play) mixed with James interviewing for jobs and trying to keep my head on straight about where we might possibly be in two months while still attempting to carry on my normal routine here.  I got back from travel on Friday night, I blinked my eyes and it's already Thursday.  Not only is it Thursday, but it's APRIL.  Not only is it April but it's MID-April.  Not only is it mid-April, but it's mid-April 2012.  Have I made my point yet??  Time is flying by and I've been too preoccupied to notice.  It's a weird feeling.

Anyway, all this is to say that I haven't felt like blogging in the least lately.  The main reason being that the one major thing that is going on in our lives (job search, potential move) is something that we are keeping to ourselves until James has an actual job offer so as not to get anyone's hopes up or down unnecessarily.  If there's one thing I've learned in my short time of being a military wife/girlfriend is that the minute you update the ones you love about what's going to happen next, it will change.  So I just don't do it anymore until things are finalized.

Blah blah blah, well I'm already rambling so I'll just throw in that in other news I've recently become strangely addicted to salsa.  At about 10:00 every morning I start day dreaming about when I will go home that afternoon and can dive into some delicious chips and salsa.  I don't know what my deal is.  But it's on my mind so I'm sharing. 

Here is a pic I just found of James that I didn't realize I had.  It's him at Barts Books.  He looks pretty cute :)

 Also, one of my besties, Jess, came over for a visit last Saturday and brought her new baby, Jonas, over to meet us.  James was taken with Jonas until he stepped on some drooly carpet.  Haha!!   Jonas is super cute though and very sweet, and I think it was good for my soul to see my friend and hold a baby.  I don't know why.  It just was.

I have a recurring dream where my teeth crumble out of my mouth, or my jaw gets stuck and I have to break it in order to put my mouth back in a normal position.  I had the dream again last night.  I googled it a while ago and it said that this is a common dream to have when you are concerned about your physical appearance.  Maybe I had the dream because I'm getting large from my chips and salsa binges?  It kind of scares me though since I actually have TMJ, so if I was breaking my jaw in the dream...what was I doing in real life??? I don't have any jaw pain this morning, but it's still freaky. 

That's all for now, folks.  My next post may or may not be about where we are moving.  In the meantime, I will continue to obsess over House Hunters and Property Virgins.  Speaking of Property Virgins, have you noticed that 95% of these shows take place in Canada??? I'm so annoyed.  Okay, laterzzzzz.

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