Thursday, November 3, 2011

Strange Things Are Happening to Me.

Every Saturday morning during the Fall months James sets his alarm for 6:55, rolls out of bed, and sleepily stumbles (I'm assuming this part since there's no way I'm ever up at that hour on a Saturday to actually see him stumble) to the couch just in time for the college football pregame show. The pregame show lasts for two hours after which James searches on the TV for all the games he wants to watch, sets up reminders on the DVR, and proceeds to watch an almost continual stream of football all day long. After a looong day of college football, James winds down his Saturday by watching the highlights of all the games he just watched. He LOVES college football.

I usually get up around 9:00 or 10:00 on Saturdays and settle into my position on the couch to keep James company. However, I can only handle so much football so for the most part I read or crochet to keep from wanting to keel over.

However, there has been an unexpected side effect to sitting near the TV while college football is constantly on. I'm starting to subconsciously absorb information. I know who the top teams in the BCS ranking are. I know what the BCS is. I know what a play action pass is. I know what league random teams are in. I know who various announcers are. I know that there's a college called Miami that's actually located in Ohio. The list goes on. I even caught myself reading an article the other day about the changes in the BCS rankings after a few unexpected losses last weekend. I caught myself halfway through and stopped reading it immediately because--why should I care that Oklahoma moved up three spots? I don't care at all. Or do I?

This weekend James will be gone. Sadly, this is the weekend that the number 1 and 2 ranked teams, LSU and Alabama, are playing each other. It's sure to be a good game. And I hate to say this...but I think I'm going to watch even though he's not going to be here to force me. And I'm pretty excited about it. Help! My mind has been taken over by aliens!

1 comment:

  1. At least you won't be bored during football conversations!
