Friday, October 21, 2011


I've been too busy/lazy to put any effort into blogging lately, but I've had a few things on my mind.

-I baked some delicious pumpkin Oreo cheesecakes a couple of weeks ago. I even took pictures so I could blog about it. But...I'm too lazy to deal with uploading pictures so if you're interested you can find the recipe here.

-Last weekend James made butternut squash ravioli from scratch. I think I picked a good one.

-Blair is arriving tonight for a weekend of major vegging out, football, hopefully some trashy reality tv, and pumpkin cheesecake muffins. (I'm really into pumpkin. And cheesecake.)

-A Panera Bread just opened up a block away from our apartment. Score!

-Last night we made the mistake of going to Panera before they had worked out all the kinks of their new location. They were out of bread bowls. Panera BREAD was out of bread. Arrrg.

-While waiting 30 minutes for our food to come out, I observed an interesting family. Their dynamic was unusual. It looked to be a mother, a father, a son, and a daughter around the ages of 10 or 11. The entire time that they were waiting for their food all four of them were playing/texting/reading/listening to music/who knows what on their phones. They didn't say a word to each other. Then their food came. Everyone put their phones away except for mom who didn't remove her headphones and continued to listen to whatever was playing while they all ate. I was trying really hard not to judge them...but it was difficult. I don't want my family to ever be like that!

-On my flight to Las Vegas for work on Monday I sat next to two women. I had my Coach purse. The woman to my left had the matching Coach shoes. The woman to her left had the matching Coach wallet. I felt so...uninteresting.

-I elbowed James in the nose while we were sleeping last night. Payback.

-James is going to the Philippines and Guam for two weeks in November. Depressing.

-Someone stole one of our flower pots off of our patio. A couple of days later James found it in some bushes behind our apartment complex. Not sure what the point of that theft could have been. The flowers were still in the pot and alive.

-James has gotten the O.K. from his doc to work out, and he has been a machine. I really need to follow suit. I need something to counteract all the candy corn I've been inhaling lately.

-It's Friday. Hallelujah!


  1. Mmmmm, I need to move back just so I can eat at your place.

  2. Come visit us while James is away! (We want to see him, too, but that might be a good distraction for you : )
