Friday, September 2, 2011

I Will Honk At You

James thinks I am an over-zealous honker. I think of it as my duty to make sure people on the road know when they are incompetent. He wasn't very amused by my activities today.

My office is on the second story of a two story building. I have a huge window which overlooks the parking lot and I have a perfect view of my car. Every once in a while, two men will drive a van into our parking lot, set up shop and start washing the cars of people who work inside my building. They have a giant water pump in the back of the van with the loudest motor of all time and they spray, spray, spray until not only the car they were washing is thoroughly soaked, but also all the other innocent bystander-cars. Like mine. Why do they always end up parking next to me?

Well today, I'd had enough. This was the first time they'd done this to my new car, and since we just got it washed on Sunday I was not happy about the watermarks these car washers were likely giving me. I wasn't angry enough to go out there and confront them, make them move the vehicles blocking my car, and then park somewhere else...but I was just irked enough that I wanted to teach them a lesson somehow.

I decided the best method would be to hit the panic button on my car keys when they walked by my car to freak them out. So from the safety of my office, I set my car a honkin'. I watched as the two men stood straight up, looked at each other, said a few words, looked around....then just laughed and kept working. Argh!! The panic button wasn't nearly as satisfying as I'd hoped it would be. But I still like honking at people.

1 comment:

  1. That would make me mad too! I don't think they should be able to do that and I would be checking into it.
