Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Unexpected Vacation

Throughout my entire childhood, one week out of every summer was dedicated to our family reunion camping trip. Among the reunion festivities was the annual talent show which typically consisted of one crazy aunt dressing in a cat costume or all the cousins getting together and acting out a skit. It could have easily been renamed No-talent But Somewhat Amusing Show.

One year when I was maybe six years old or so, my aunt decided that my cousin and I should do a hula dance for the show. Apparently people enjoy seeing little girls swaying back and forth to the peaceful melodies of a tape recorded ukulele. I guess we were going for the cuteness factor. So my aunt clothed us in little bikini tops and grass skirts and forced us in front of the eager crowd. And we hula'd. I wasn't a fan.

James and I just found out that mid-September James is being sent to Hawaii for a week long course on something or other and so, since that talent show is the closest I've ever been to Hawaii, I'm tagging along for the fun. Hopefully the hula can redeem itself.

Let the extreme dieting and workouts begin!

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