Friday, August 26, 2011

The Cherry Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

The other day I went grocery shopping. I intended to get peanut butter chocolate chip granola bars. When I got home I realized I had accidentally purchased pb granola bars sans chocolate chips. Annoying, but tolerable.

As I was unloading the rest of the bags I proudly pulled out a four pack of Monster energy drinks and called to James, "Look! I got you Monsters!" His reply? "Those are Rockstars." Arrrgh, how did I do that??? I know he only drinks Monsters.

Then this morning I woke up to find an email from my mom. She told me about how she had purchased some really cute beach towels from Costco. Then when she opened them up at home she realized that the cute flowers actually formed the shape of a skull.

And then I didn't feel so bad. I'm not the only shopping strugg around here ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Erns. I've always wanted to make your blog :/ I'm getting into the skull motif though . . . what do you think about a tat?
