Monday, November 22, 2010


This morning I've been emailing with both my wedding coordinator and the representative at our venue about wedding details. How many guests? How many at each table? Are seats assigned? How many vendor boxed lunches? All those fun things. So in order to research how many people would be at each table today (even though I already emailed the venue lady last week with a list of who is sitting at each table...apparently she can't count?) I logged on to my account at to check out the guest list and seating chart I had created there. When I logged on, a little banner popped up at the bottom of the screen that said, "Hi Erin, 12 days until your wedding!" Eh? What's that you say?? 12 DAYS??? As much planning and coordinating as I've been doing you would think it would be difficult for my wedding to sneak up on me, but has. And I know exactly how it happened.

James has been gone for the last seven months, obviously. And he's finally, finally, finally home!! It's like a breath of fresh air every time I remember I can reach over and hold his hand whenever I want...or that when I have a quick question I can send a text and get an immediate response...if I miss his call I can call him right back...when I get off work tonight I will have someone to eat dinner and run errands with. It's nice to be happy all the way through. Instead of being a little happy (ooo I bought some new shoes!) mixed with a lot sad (oh, but James still isn't home...) I am now completely happy and it feels amazing.

While James was gone time went soooo slowly. You know how when you're having a slow day at work and every time you look at the clock only four minutes have passed? That's how it felt...but every single day.'s still only June? Are you kidding me? That sort of thing. So all this time it felt like James coming home and the wedding were far, far away and that they would probably never get here. But as soon as James stepped off of that plane, time whipped back into warp speed. For the last four days we have just been lost in being with each other...I haven't thought about the date...I didn't think about what time it was...I didn't think about anything other than how happy I was...and so today, my first day back at work since James got back, reality finally hit. James is really home...which means the wedding really is coming up! Ack! I'd better start working on my wedding to-do list!

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