Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Blog Post

I am back!! Briefly!! I don’t feel ready to commit to regular blogging but I guess we’ll see what happens.  Since I’ve had writers block for about a year now I thought I’d get the juices flowing with the help of these fill-in-the-blank type questions.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy my mind vom!

1.  I don't get enough... this is a toss up between naps and hugs from my mom.  I’ll go with hugs.  Luckily my mom and dad are coming to visit me in two weeks!!!  My dad likes us to have a “Clipboard of Fun” prepared when he visits (channeling Danny Tanner) so I’m going to be sure to add hugs in several of the open time slots.

2. My favorite indulgence is... Oh man another toughy.  Now it’s a toss up between naps and Taco Bell.  But I have to go with Taco Bell on this one (can’t believe naps has lost twice in a row).  I have been obsessed with Taco Bell since childhood.  The addiction only got worse when the only way my dad could convince me to try out for the under 14 volleyball team was to promise me TB whenever I wanted it.  It worked and my love for it has never waned. 

Suddenly this Cambell’s Soup on the Go is totally unappetizing…If I’m supposed to be able to drink my soup out of this thing, then clearly there are not enough noodles!  Someone get me a bean burrito with no onions stat!

3. I made a major change in my life when... I moved to Upstate New York for James’ job almost two years ago.  I knew things would be different here than in California, but I thought most of the challenges would revolve around figuring out my way around and making new friends.  While those things were difficult, I just can’t get over how DIFFERENT this place is.  The people, the landscape, the weather…everything.  I learn something new about the area all the time.  For example, yesterday a friend told me about how she had seen tons of guys “trout scouting.”  What is this you ask?  A day or two before Trout fishing season, all the fisherman go stand out in the middle of the creeks and check out the fish…I guess to see which ones they want to catch??? I have no idea.  Makes no sense to me but it’s a thing here!  Who knew?

4. You should read... The most recent book I’ve read is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I guess I would recommend it.  It kept me interested the entire way through, had lots of twists and turns and at the end had me yelling, “Noooooooo!”  possibly because it was over….or maybe because the ending was cray cray.  You’ll have to read to find out! Dun dun dun!!!!

5. My secret ingredient is... Naps!! If I don’t get a good nap in, nothing’s getting cooked!  Finally a win for naps :)  

That’s all for now.  Must finish drinking my flavored-liquid-called-soup lunch. 


  1. Erin, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I needed this long overdue blog and it did for me just what I needed (except missing you more), lots of chuckles and some random outbursts of laughter. I hear Lori over there reading it now. How do I know? . . . . Outburst of laughter.

  2. Well this was pleasant surprise! I was thinking about starting up the good ol blog too! Miss you lots and lots lots.
