Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A New Season

Fall has always been my favorite season.  The changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, overcast days, warm drinks, cider scented candles, pumpkin flavored pastries, pumpkin flavored...anything....ahhhh.  Fall is awesome.  But there is suddenly a new season in the running for the top spot, at least for me.


I never really noticed it before.  In California it would rain and be kind of cold for a few months, then it was summer as far as I was concerned.  Maybe it's because I have my own house this time around and I get to take some joy out of seeing the tulips popping up in our flower beds...or maybe it's the fact that I just made it through the coldest, most horrible winter of my life.  Yes, that's probably what it is.  Sunday I went outside without a jacket on for the first time in four months.  It was heavenly.  I've transitioned from these:

To these:

And I couldn't be happier about it.  Each afternoon I stare longingly out the window of my office and wait for the moment when I can burst out that door and spend the afternoon outdoors, walking Max or sitting on our back patio browsing a magazine while sipping a cool drink.  It's heaven, it really is.  I've never wanted to be outside so much in my entire life.  New York winter has changed me. 

However, this nice weather isn't without it's downside.  We have officially turned off the heat and opened the sliding door....but it seems our little doggie doesn't know what a screen is....

See the hole?? He ran full speed at the screen on Monday and ripped a hole with his face.  That dog...

Last night I woke up to thunder and lightening, and today is still dreary...but I know the sun will come back soon, and when it does I'm going to pounce on it, because I know before too long it will be so stinkin' hot that I will be hiding indoors again with my face in the freezer. Aaaah, New York.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I'm jealous of your spring! We just have wind...blah, sucky wind. Miss you, xoxo.
