Friday, May 18, 2012

Mama's Boy

I've always known James was a mama's boy, but since we lived on the opposite coast it was never an issue. Also, I happen to love my mother-in-law and she really respects that I am now the woman in James' life, so that made the transition to our new roles easier for both of us.  

I'm happy to be the one to take care of James when he is sick.  The one to do his laundry.  The one to remind him to brush his teeth.  But there is one job that I absolutely refuse to take on, despite his mom's attempts to "teach" me.  

Every time we visit James' mom....she....CLEANS HIS EARS.  

There.  I said it.  I find it disturbing, but it seems to be their little moment of bonding.  James looks forward to it before we even arrive at their house and when the time comes, he gleefully bounds down the stairs with Q-tips in hand.

Look how happy they both are...

I guess if this is the only thing that bothers me about my in-laws then I'm in pretty good shape...but come on!!  Really?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Too much Jean-Luc

Two nights ago I stumbled out of bed to go to the bathroom.  Before heading to the bathroom though, I went over to my dresser and started typing numbers into an imaginary glowing key pad.  I had to type in the code in order to get the bathroom doors to open.  Obviously.

Is it still considered sleep walking if you knew what you were just took you a while to realize you were being ridiculous?  I'm not sure what the rules of sleep walking are...but I'm pretty sure I've been watching too many Star Trek movies.  I've got issues.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Face

I've learned over the years that my walking-through-life-not-thinking-about-a-thing face reads as a this-girl-is-going-to-beat-someone-down-or-jump-off-a-cliff face. Apparently when my face is relaxed and I'm not smiling, I look just plain angry.  Or sad.  It depends on the perspective of the viewer I guess.

I know this not because I check out my image in anything with a reflective surface, but because people have stopped me to make sure I'm okay or to tell me to cheer up.  Not people like my mom or my grandpa, but random people at the airport, at school, in the mall.  My face concerns strangers.  The most recent time was several months ago on an airplane.  The guy looked at me and said, "Don't worry, things can't really be thaaat bad!"  I remember this time specifically because I was on my way home from a business trip so I was actually in a great mood.  Clearly it wasn't showing through.

Now that James and I are moving somewhere completely new, where we know no one and will have to make a real effort to get to know people (not to mention that our new town is tiny and people might actually remember us if we go to the same store/restaurant more than once), I've decided that I might need to actively fight against my normal face so as not to scare my new potential friends away.  Tonight I'm going to stand in front of my mirror and try on a few faces to see which looks friendly but not creepy, then I'm going to wear it around town and see if people notice. Am I the only one with this embarrassing issue?

Oh, by the way, in case you didn't know....we're moving to NEW YORK!! Woooo!

Here's a video of the cool stuff James' new company makes: