Thursday, July 28, 2011


Every once in a while it will hit me: "I'm getting old!!" Old is relative I suppose. To me, feeling old means I'm no longer a late teen, early 20's kid who can use naivete and youthfulness as excuses for being irresponsible. People who see me these days actually think I'm an adult! When did that happen exactly?

Today marks three years at my job. How is it possible that I've been out of college long enough to have had a job for THREE YEARS??? So on this day where I am feeling old and realizing that I can't use the "I'm the new girl and don't know what I'm doing" excuse anymore, I give you a few of the revelations that I have had over the years that make it clear that I am slowly but surely aging.

1) One of my first memories of feeling old was when I was chatting with my younger cousin. We were talking about TV when I mentioned Full House. She had never heard of it.

2) Both my brother and my sister had a kid already at my age and my new sister in law who is a year younger than I am is now preggers. Every time I find out that someone younger than I am has been knocked up I am reminded that my biological clock is ticking...

3) Technology and social media are starting to allude me. I have no idea how to use Twitter or Google Plus and no desire to try either one. In addition, the other day I plugged one end of a cord into my ipod and plugged the end of a different cord into the computer and sat there for several minutes cursing my stupid ipod for not working. Then James came over and told me I had plugged in two different cords. My brain cells seem to be diminishing.

4) The other night James and I went to a concert at a small venue. Upon entering and sitting in some unoccupied seats, we were soon informed by a power tripping usher that we did not have "balcony tickets" and would have to go stand on the floor directly in front of the stage. I was irked. James had this crazy idea that someone would want to trade tickets with us so that they could stand on the floor. I calmly tried to get him to realize that no one in their right mind would want to stand for a three hour concert when they could sit and enjoy from a little further away. This belief quickly evaporated as James easily found two youngins who squealed with glee at the prospect of standing for the entire evening and gladly gave us their tickets so that we could sit down with all the other old curmudgeons.

On occasion there are still times when I feel young though. For instance a few weeks ago when in the midst of a conversation my boss mentioned a time before Microsoft. My response of, "What do you mean? There's always been Microsoft!" was not appreciated. But it felt oh so good to be young again :)


  1. So, have you bought that yarn yet Granny?

    Congratulations on three years at your job!!

  2. Ah yes, you are so old. I started realizing that I was getting old when I talked to some West Point cadets about being from Modesto. It's where Scott Peterson is from, you know, the guy who killed his pregnant wife on Christmas Eve? And they had no clue. How old were they when that happened? Nine? Sheesh.

    Also, I do ridiculous things such as plugging in the wrong cords All.The.Time. I thought the kids had sucked all my brain cells out, but maybe it's a Cherry girl thing. I can struggle for 15 minutes on a computer problem and Jim can walk over and push one button and fix everything. He's my hero. He probably also thinks I'm retarded.

    PS-I get compliments all the time about Violet's blankie! I proudly tell them that my awesome sister made it for her.

    PPS-We just got cable hooked up and when the guy asked which channels he could program on favorites for me, I told him TLC, you know, The Learning Channel? He was stupefied. I think he though it was a channel about science or something. And he thought I was a huge dork. If only he knew about Gypsy Weddings and how much I Learn from that show.

    Wow, is this the longest comment ever?
    Love, Joni

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only struggler out there! Cherry struggs- unite! Had that guy really not heard of TLC?? It's a staple! BTW do you watch Project Runway? I can't remember...but the new season just started on Lifetime.

    Mom, I haven't bought the yarn yet but I'm going to get it before next week so I'll have something to do when James can't leave the house for a week or two after his back surgery.

  4. I just read your blog. Your mom and I got a laugh out of your getting old so soon.

    Are you taking time off of work to take care of James while he's recuperating? You could cook him all of that good food he likes. Yum! Yum!

    We went out for lunch today at the Lunch Pail. I think I saw your old lunch box hanging on the wall. You know, one of those really old ones that's been kicked down the road a few times. Yvonne and Marilyn were with us and had a discussion going on the whole time we were together. We made plans for your dad's birthday. I think we'll just get him some yogurt gift cards from the Yogurt Mill. Bye for now granddaughter. Love, Gramps and Grandma (she's sleeping in her chair)
