Thursday, July 28, 2011


Every once in a while it will hit me: "I'm getting old!!" Old is relative I suppose. To me, feeling old means I'm no longer a late teen, early 20's kid who can use naivete and youthfulness as excuses for being irresponsible. People who see me these days actually think I'm an adult! When did that happen exactly?

Today marks three years at my job. How is it possible that I've been out of college long enough to have had a job for THREE YEARS??? So on this day where I am feeling old and realizing that I can't use the "I'm the new girl and don't know what I'm doing" excuse anymore, I give you a few of the revelations that I have had over the years that make it clear that I am slowly but surely aging.

1) One of my first memories of feeling old was when I was chatting with my younger cousin. We were talking about TV when I mentioned Full House. She had never heard of it.

2) Both my brother and my sister had a kid already at my age and my new sister in law who is a year younger than I am is now preggers. Every time I find out that someone younger than I am has been knocked up I am reminded that my biological clock is ticking...

3) Technology and social media are starting to allude me. I have no idea how to use Twitter or Google Plus and no desire to try either one. In addition, the other day I plugged one end of a cord into my ipod and plugged the end of a different cord into the computer and sat there for several minutes cursing my stupid ipod for not working. Then James came over and told me I had plugged in two different cords. My brain cells seem to be diminishing.

4) The other night James and I went to a concert at a small venue. Upon entering and sitting in some unoccupied seats, we were soon informed by a power tripping usher that we did not have "balcony tickets" and would have to go stand on the floor directly in front of the stage. I was irked. James had this crazy idea that someone would want to trade tickets with us so that they could stand on the floor. I calmly tried to get him to realize that no one in their right mind would want to stand for a three hour concert when they could sit and enjoy from a little further away. This belief quickly evaporated as James easily found two youngins who squealed with glee at the prospect of standing for the entire evening and gladly gave us their tickets so that we could sit down with all the other old curmudgeons.

On occasion there are still times when I feel young though. For instance a few weeks ago when in the midst of a conversation my boss mentioned a time before Microsoft. My response of, "What do you mean? There's always been Microsoft!" was not appreciated. But it felt oh so good to be young again :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Seeing Stars

I grew up in good ol' Modesto in California's Central Valley. Modesto's claims to fame are, unfortunately, wife and baby killer Scott Peterson and scandalous Ex-Congressman Gary Condit. Lovely.

Needless to say, when I moved to Malibu (prime celebrity breeding grounds)for college, it was a thrill to see famous people everywhere, and people who were known for something other than murder at that. It wasn't an everyday thing, but they were definitely around...Cindy Crawford at Malibu Yogurt, Reggie Miller at Pepperdine basketball games, Pam Anderson walking around our hilly campus, Adam Sandler at Coffee Bean, just to name drop a few.

The sightings became a little bit more frequent when I got a job as a medical biller for a physical therapy office. Malibu is a small town so there weren't many options for the local celebs with herniated discs or carpal tunnel, so much of the time they came to us. Nowadays its not uncommon for James and I to turn on the television and for me to say,"Hey I know that guy," or, "There's my buddy from physical therapy." Of course, James (or whomever else I happen to be bragging to) realizes that when I say "know" what I really mean is that I booked an appointment for him through his agent, billed the Screen Actors Guild for his treatment, and gawked awkwardly as he walked past the front desk to the therapist's office. Buuut...I still like to talk about those patients as if they were my besties in a past life. I mean...Macguyver (did I sign a confidentiality agreement...??) did compliment me on my outfit once. I'm sure he treasures that memory as much as I do.

Even though I've seen quite a few celebs, I still find it just as exciting every time I spot one. I still get that jittery rush as if I've just chugged a slurpy from 7-Eleven. I still smile stupidly and think, "Aggh, I should have said ______!" because if only I had just said the right thing, I would have been discovered, recruited, and would be starring in a movie by now...or at least be getting invited on posh vacations in the Mediterranean. If only.

Well this weekend we saw someone who isn't quite a celebrity, but is still an exciting person to run into for a Giant's fan: Aubrey Huff. A Giant. Obviously. My dad and James acted unimpressed (pssh) but my mom and I quickly and excitedly rushed over to him and just as we reached where he was standing, calmed ourselves and casually walked on by while saying, "Go Giants" and "Good luck tonight." We totally gave off the, we-see-Giants-all-the-time-no-big-deal vibe. Cool as cucumbers. Riiiight. Then we walked past him and hid around the corner where we giggled and gushed about how awesome it was. Even though his acknowledgement of "Hey" was not the most endearing or friendly response in the world, it was still a thrill that he said anything at all. But if instead of, "Good luck tonight," I had said, "Good luck tonight, Huff Daddy" maybe he would have thought, What a clever nickname! and invited me and my mom to hang in the dugout with him and the rest of the Giants gang. Oh...what might have been...if only.

Los Gigantes

This past weekend we took Friday off, bought some train tickets and headed on down to San Diego to meet up with my parents. The train took two hours longer than it would have if we had driven, but it was in an effort to avoid "Carmageddon" which turned out to be nothing at all because of people like us who avoided the freeways. Anyway, it was still nice and relaxing to take the train.

The point of the trip was to see my parents and go to two Giants/Padres games. It seemed to me about half the people at the games were Giants fans so we were in good company and never felt like we were going to be beaten to a pulp (like we would if we had gone to a Dodgers game). The weekend was so much fun and I didn't want it to end!! I'm still sad that it's over :(

Here are the pics from the weekend:

Aren't my parents cute??

That last one is my mom's birthday gift from me and James. It's a mug with her favorite "Swamp People" characters, Mitchell and Glen. You just have to watch it to understand...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Turtle Power

Here's the real Harper with her blanket. She seems to like it...or the person taking the photo...hmm....