Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Update, Yo

Time to bring you up to speed on me and James and our amazing life together because I know you've all been dying to hear about us...and for those of you who already know about all this stuff, here are some pictures to keep you entertained for 2 minutes or so.

First, the most exciting news in my opinion, we got a new car!! It was bittersweet getting rid of my old Civic...

But totally worth it because now I'm driving this bad boy:

Ah yes, I love my new ride. It's a Hyundai Tucson and it's wonderful!!

We've also gone to visit both sets of parents over the last month. When we visited mine, we went up into a little town called Murphy's for some shopping,eating, and wine tasting. This is the only photo we got:

And us in Virginia at Shenandoah National Park:

Also, James got promoted aaaand got his Seabee Combat Warfare Pin which is a big deal apparently. Good job, hubs!

What a stud :)

And sadly over the last two months both my brother and sister have moved out of the state and taken my six little neices away from me :( Happy for them...depressed for myself. On a positive note, however, I finally finished Violet and Harper's afghans.



Actually, that's Donnie, not Harper, in case you thought my birthday buddy was actually a ninja turtle. I don't have a pic of her with the blanket so this will have to do.

Upcoming events include Galaxy soccer game on the Fourth of July, two Giants games in San Diego with my parents, and trip to Vegas with one of my besties. Stay tuned!

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