Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fall Crafting

In preparation for fall and in response to the sudden chilly weather we are experiencing here in New York I have begun crafting.  Since I'm not a very crafty or inventive person, my creations have been limited.  But at least I'm accomplishing something while I sit on my booty all day...right??

First things first, my usual: Scarves.  So far I've only made two, but here is the first one.  It's called a basket weave, and I really like it!  Since I don't have any friends here I think I just might keep it for myself.  So there, people who don't want to be my friend.  You are missing out on a cozy scarf.  
Here is the pattern for all my fellow crocheters.

It's cold and I don't know how to turn on the heater! Agh!
My next creation is a bit of a stretch for me, but anyone who can cut fabric and tie knots can do this one.  Sometimes when I look at it I really like it and other times it just looks like a giant mess, so I'm still undecided.  It was fun to make though!  I am dumb and haven't yet figured out how to hang an S from the middle and actually have it hang straight with the wreath hook thingy also in the middle.  Eh, whatevs.  Here are the instructions for this bad boy. 

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