Sunday, February 26, 2012

Auditors Have Feelings Too

What comes to mind when you think of being audited?  A pleasant, comfortable, lovely experience?

What do you imagine auditors are like?  Joyful? Fun?  Willing to overlook discrepancies in financial documents?

Believe it or not, part of an auditors job is to find those discrepancies, question them, determine the source of the problem, then report back to the person/company being audited about how they have screwed up.  And being told that you've screwed up (or just being questioned about how you do things) can make for a not so pleasant, comfortable, lovely experience.

Obviously being audited sucks, but it's my job and I try to ease people's nerves and make it less stressful for everyone by being nice.  But for this one particular client, I apparently asked one question to many.  (Keep in mind that asking questions is my joooooob)  A few days ago I was mistakenly sent this email about myself from said client and it really hurt my feelings: (note: the "she" being referenced is me)


    Could you look into this? I'm done. I can't handle this. She is driving me crazy. I understand the liability  but    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are all those exclamation points really necessary? Auditors have feelings too, you know :( 

*Names have been changed to protect the jerkfaces

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Baby

Anyone who says rats aren't cute has never seen my baby sleeping.  What a sweet little thing she is :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tidbits, Take 2

I got home last night from a work trip to the lovely Reno, Nevada. Needless to say, I'm thrilled to be home again! I've had a lot of random things on my mind that I felt like sharing, so here's my mind vom.

1. Today feels like a Monday to me. I keep getting really excited every time I realize it's Friday. Woo!

2. James and I decided to get our bums off the couch and went hiking last weekend. We hiked the Grotto trail in the Santa Monica Mountains. It was fun until the way back which was mostly uphill, haha.
Do the Erin hunch

3. My birthday is one month from yesterday. Just a heads up so you can all start shopping for my gifts.

4. When we first moved into our apartment we painted one wall in our bedroom brown. I hated it immediately, and after a year of looking at it, James hated it too. So a couple of weekends ago we decided to paint it blue instead. It looks a million times better in my opinion! Now we just need to get around to decorating it...

Hi Donnie!

5. My last two runs were TERRIBLE. I'm not sure if I am suddenly the most out of shape I've ever been in my entire life, or if the elevation of Reno really affected me that much. I'm rooting for the elevation thing because any other option is just depressing!
6.    James has to keep his hair relatively short since he's in the military, but he's always wished he could have long hair. I don't really think the texture of his hair will allow it to grow down and flowy like he's more likely to just grow out into a fro because it's so curly...but he's determined to try. Since he is limited by the rules of the Navy, for the last several weeks he has only been having the sides of his hair cut, and leaving the top to grow long. This lead to him believing that he needs to use mousse to tame the beast. I laughed at first, but I have to admit it looks better with the mousse. In the last couple of days he has determined that his hair is now long enough to comb over. He is very proud of the new look!

Combed over!

7. James got accepted by a head hunter organization that specializes in officers transitioning from military to civilian jobs. In a few weeks he will be going to a giant job fair type thing where he will meet lots of potential employers, then those who like him will fly him out to their offices for official interviews...we have no idea what kind of interest there will be or what area we could potentially be moving is exciting but extremely nerve wracking!! I am really hoping that we stay in California, but it could be out of my hands at this point.

8. I got a new purse a few weeks ago and it makes me feel like a whole new woman. I am in love. I feel so professional when I use it.  But the best part is the pink and purple polka dots on the lining!
Why yes...that is a bean burrito with no onions in my new bag.

9. It's Fondue Friday...we're going to the Melting Pot for dinner tonight! Woo!

10.  I'm not much of a gambler, but this year my office had a bet going on the Superbowl so I joined in.  I only had to put a dollar in the pot so I wasn't too nervous about losing.  My bet was that the Giants would win by 3 points.  A coworker of mine had bet that the Giants would win by 7.  As you know, the Giants won by 4 points.  I don't know how betting on sporting events works, but in my opinion I clearly won this bet, but the office is making me split the winnings with my coworker.  Am I just clueless about betting or am I the rightful owner of that additional $3.50 like I think I am?!? 

Sorry this post is so hideous.  I am a struggler.